
Performance at any scale

Our revolutionary silicon-based DNA Synthesis platform is capable of producing over a million unique ssDNA oligos in a single run. Each chip contains thousands of discrete clusters each containing 121 individually addressable surfaces capable of synthesizing a unique oligo sequence. A representation of the silicon chip technology can be seen below.

Due to the sheer scale of DNA synthesis capability on the chip there are virtually no limitations to the number of unique oligos that can be assembled into a pool. Don't restrict the outcome of your application, order Oligo Pools tailored precisely to your experiment. 

Performance at any scale

More Space for Innovation

Don’t be limited by length. Encode the elements and sequences you need, including promoters, enhancers, guides, and probes all within the expanded architecture. With oligo lengths up to 300nt it’s possible to encode multiple elements in a single design giving you the ability to do more with each oligo.

More Space for Innovation

Screen once, screen right

Unmatched pool uniformity without bias provides more unique targets per screen. This means less effort is required to achieve the data coverage you need, saving time and money.

Screen once screen right

Be data confident

With the precision and uniformity of Twist Oligo Pools, you can be confident in the quality of your experimental results. Don’t miss a datapoint due to synthesis errors or inefficiencies. Get industry-leading oligo representation and low error rate for oligos of any length up to 300nt, and pools of any size. Leverage these exceptional quality oligo pools at the precise scale and length required for your application.

Data Confident


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Oligo Pools
Cloned Oligo Pools

What Scientists Have to Say

Twist’s ssDNA oligo pools are well suited for making pooled RNA structures because of their high uniformity, low error rate, and lengths up to 300 nt. These features provide the screening of RNA-small molecule interactions with high accuracy and efficiency.
Kaoru R. Komatsu
Representative Director and Chief Technology Officer • xFOREST Therapeutics Co., Ltd
We have found Twist Oligo Pools to be a fast, convenient and flexible route to synthesizing high quality customized CRISPR libraries for our research.
Stephen Pettit
Staff Scientist • Institute of Cancer Research, UK
We work on massively parallel reporter assays (MPRAs) focused on identifying gene regulatory functions of single base substitutions, so high oligo fidelity is critical. When we sequenced the pool that we got from Twist the quality was astounding, with twofold fewer mutations than we were expecting.
Bernie Mulvey
MD-PhD Student • Washington University School of Medicine • St. Louis, MO, USA

Finally, an easy way to order DNA


Instantly know if your sequence is a go
Our smart algorithm lets you know in seconds if your sequence can be synthesized or not

Your quote is now just one click away
No more wasted time waiting for surprise quotes. See real-time pricing when you submit your data

Stay in the know from checkout to your door
We update you at every stage of your orders’ progress, giving you comprehensive insight on crucial production details

Intuitive usability meets bulletproof security
Upload your sequences with the comfort of knowing your proprietary data is protected