Twist API

Order your DNA from the convenience of your own LIMS. Our feature-rich API lets you seamlessly integrate Twist with your own environments.

Procurement Integration

Streamline your purchasing with Twist’s eProcurement solutions. Add a Twist punchout catalog to your eProcurement portal and make buying DNA fast and easy for your teams.


Easy API Connection Set Up:

  • Register the email address(es) you’d like connected to the Twist API
  • Provide a list or range of IP addresses that we can whitelist. You will only be able to access our API from those IP addresses, for added security.
  • Authorization tokens will be generated and provided in a one-time-use link, via email.
  • Use the authorization tokens, along with the email address linked to those tokens, to connect to the API

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Without the API

With the API



With the API

With the API

Figure synbio cross sell

Ensuring Security with:

  • Industry Standard AES-256 encryption in AWS S3 servers
  • Account and Location based Authentication with tokens linked to a single unique (email) account and whitelisted IP addresses
  • Service Level Agreement establishing support and up-time requirements

Get in Touch With Us

Everything you need
to order DNA in your software

Our rich API lets you do anything possible on our eCommerce platform including:
And Much More...

Seamless Integration into your LIMS

  • No room for copy-paste mistakes
  • Connect directly to your business systems
  • Enable new workflows for your users

Accelerate your design process

  • Our scoring algorithm gives you detailed information about our feasibility to manufacture your sequences
  • Let your algorithms do the heavy lifting with direct feedback from the API
  • Your team will benefit from a high success rate and less frustration
View the APIs

Score Sequences

Codon Optimize

Safeguard your Intellectual Property

  • Your IP is our top priority - you can rest assured that your data is safe with us
  • Transfer the data securely from your system to ours
  • Don't export or copy-paste sensitive data and make mistakes
View the APIs

Without the API

With the API

Design and build, all in one

  • Add the build phase into the design phase with your CAD DNA software
  • Give your team a never-before-seen user experience by incorporating our feedback into your design sofware