How do I get/give access to a vector already onboarded at Twist?
We take the privacy and proprietary nature of custom vectors seriously and want to ensure that access to custom vectors is limited to the person who onboarded the vector and those they designate.
The process to share access to onboarded vectors is simple and can be accomplished through one of the two contact methods.
- Email: Please have the originator (the person that originally onboarded the vector) contact us at [email protected]
(Attn: CVOB access) with the name of the vector as it appears in the Twist system and the email address(es) tied to the Twist account(s) of the person(s) to be given access.
- Using the chat function on the Twist website: Provide the same information as above in the email route.
It usually takes 1 - 2 business days to provide access. A browser refresh or logout/login may be required for the vector to appear in the Twist portal.
If the originator has left the lab, permission may be granted by someone who currently has access to the vector and is at the same institution as the originator when the vector was onboarded.
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