
High Sensitivity. High Conversion. Low-Input

The Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kit addresses challenges associated with library preparation from circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA). Liquid biopsies have gained prominence in oncology research, particularly for investigating potential biomarkers within genetic material from tumors circulating in peripheral blood. This kit enables high conversion cfDNA library generation for next-generation sequencing (NGS) on Illumina systems, overcoming the technical challenges associated with low-input and degradation of cfDNA, as well as other samples that are hard to acquire and have limited DNA abundance (i.e. urine and CSF samples).

The Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kits provide our highest quality library preparation solution, offering not only robust performance with low sample input, but also high conversion rates.


The Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kit and Twist cfDNA Library Preparation and Hyb Mix Kit enable WGS as well as targeted enrichment workflows. 

Maximize Rare Variant Detection
High conversion rate reliably detects rare variants (≤0.1% VAF)
High coverage libraries compatible with duplex sequencing workflows supported by the Twist UMI Adapter System
Streamline Workflow of Precious Samples
Robust performance, even with low (<1ng) sample input
Sequence-ready libraries in 2 hours

*For research use only. Not for use in any diagnostic or clinical procedures

Customer Testimonial

"We have been conducting genomic analysis of genetic mutations that accumulate in solid organs and are constructing a detection system that can reliably detect low-frequency variants of somatic mutations. By using the Twist cfDNA Library preparation kit, we not only obtain a library yield comparable to the conventional method from a small amount (1.5 ng) of fragmented DNA even if we reduce one less PCR cycle, but also increase the average coverage of the existing target capture sequence by 30% after constructing error-corrected reads using unique molecular indices. Twist's ligation process is simple and quick for library preparation and is expected to expand the application of molecular barcoding in trace systems." - Dr. Nobuyuki Kakiuchi   

Associate Professor, The Hakubi Project, Department of Pathology and Tumor Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Japan

*Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions.

High Sensitivity. High Conversion. Low-Input

The Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kit addresses challenges associated with library preparation from circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA). Liquid biopsies have gained prominence in oncology research, particularly for investigating potential biomarkers within genetic material from tumors circulating in peripheral blood. This kit enables high conversion cfDNA library generation for next-generation sequencing (NGS) on Illumina systems, overcoming the technical challenges associated with low-input and degradation of cfDNA, as well as other samples that are hard to acquire and have limited DNA abundance (i.e. urine and CSF samples).

The Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kits provide our highest quality library preparation solution, offering not only robust performance with low sample input, but also high conversion rates.


The Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kit and Twist cfDNA Library Preparation and Hyb Mix Kit enable WGS as well as targeted enrichment workflows. 

Maximize Rare Variant Detection
High conversion rate reliably detects rare variants (≤0.1% VAF)
High coverage libraries compatible with duplex sequencing workflows supported by the Twist UMI Adapter System
Streamline Workflow of Precious Samples
Robust performance, even with low (<1ng) sample input
Sequence-ready libraries in 2 hours

*For research use only. Not for use in any diagnostic or clinical procedures

Customer Testimonial

"We have been conducting genomic analysis of genetic mutations that accumulate in solid organs and are constructing a detection system that can reliably detect low-frequency variants of somatic mutations. By using the Twist cfDNA Library preparation kit, we not only obtain a library yield comparable to the conventional method from a small amount (1.5 ng) of fragmented DNA even if we reduce one less PCR cycle, but also increase the average coverage of the existing target capture sequence by 30% after constructing error-corrected reads using unique molecular indices. Twist's ligation process is simple and quick for library preparation and is expected to expand the application of molecular barcoding in trace systems." - Dr. Nobuyuki Kakiuchi   

Associate Professor, The Hakubi Project, Department of Pathology and Tumor Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Japan

*Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions.

Higher Conversion Rate = Higher Yield
Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kit delivers higher cfDNA library yields.

Following library generation, samples were eluted in 20 μL of water and 1 µL was quantified with QubitTM dsDNA Broad Range Kit.

Higher Sensitivity & Higher Accuracy
Twist cfDNA Library Preparation and Hyb Mix Kit enables sensitive and accurate detection of variants at 0.25% VAF.

Libraries were single-plex captured with a custom 50kb oncology panel targeting 217 SNP variant sites in the Pan-Cancer standard material. Variants Missed is calculated by summing sites with less than 1 variant family divided by total detectable variant sites.

Improved Duplexing = Higher Complexity
Twist cfDNA Library Preparation and Hyb Mix Kit delivers higher complexity with and without UMI deduplication.

Libraries were single-plex captured with a custom 50kb oncology panel targeting variant sites in the cfDNA standard material with present or updated TE recommendation.


Low Input Proven with native cfDNA
Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kit delivers higher cfDNA library yields with native cfDNA samples.

Following library generation, samples were eluted in 20 μL of water and 1 μL was quantified with QubitTM dsDNA Broad Range Kit.

Higher Conversion Rate = Higher Yield
Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kit delivers higher cfDNA library yields.

Following library generation, samples were eluted in 20 μL of water and 1 µL was quantified with QubitTM dsDNA Broad Range Kit.

Higher Sensitivity & Higher Accuracy
Twist cfDNA Library Preparation and Hyb Mix Kit enables sensitive and accurate detection of variants at 0.25% VAF.

Libraries were single-plex captured with a custom 50kb oncology panel targeting 217 SNP variant sites in the Pan-Cancer standard material. Variants Missed is calculated by summing sites with less than 1 variant family divided by total detectable variant sites.

Improved Duplexing = Higher Complexity
Twist cfDNA Library Preparation and Hyb Mix Kit delivers higher complexity with and without UMI deduplication.

Libraries were single-plex captured with a custom 50kb oncology panel targeting variant sites in the cfDNA standard material with present or updated TE recommendation.


Low Input Proven with native cfDNA
Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kit delivers higher cfDNA library yields with native cfDNA samples.

Following library generation, samples were eluted in 20 μL of water and 1 μL was quantified with QubitTM dsDNA Broad Range Kit.

cfDNA Library Prep Product SKUS


Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kit–16 Samples


Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kit- 96 Samples
cfDNA Library Prep and Hybridization Product SKUS


Twist cfDNA Library Preparation and Hyb Mix Kit–16 Samples and 2 Reactions


Twist cfDNA Library Preparation and Hyb Mix Kit–96 Samples and 12 Reactions

*For research use only. Not for use in any diagnostic or clinical procedures.

cfDNA Library Prep Product SKUS


Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kit–16 Samples


Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kit- 96 Samples
cfDNA Library Prep and Hybridization Product SKUS


Twist cfDNA Library Preparation and Hyb Mix Kit–16 Samples and 2 Reactions


Twist cfDNA Library Preparation and Hyb Mix Kit–96 Samples and 12 Reactions

*For research use only. Not for use in any diagnostic or clinical procedures.


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