Everything you need
to order DNA in your software
Our rich API lets you do anything possible on our eCommerce platform including:
Seamless Integration into your LIMS
- No room for copy-paste mistakes
- Connect directly to your business systems
- Enable new workflows for your users
Accelerate your design process
- Our scoring algorithm gives you detailed information about our feasibility to manufacture your sequences
- Let your algorithms do the heavy lifting with direct feedback from the API
- Your team will benefit from a high success rate and less frustration
Score Sequences
Codon Optimize
Safeguard your Intellectual Property
- Your IP is our top priority - you can rest assured that your data is safe with us
- Transfer the data securely from your system to ours
- Don't export or copy-paste sensitive data and make mistakes
Without the API
With the API
Design and build, all in one
- Add the build phase into the design phase with your CAD DNA software
- Give your team a never-before-seen user experience by incorporating our feedback into your design sofware