Start Your Discovery Campaign on the Right Foot
The quality of an antigen is critical to the success of every in vivo antibody discovery project. We built our antigen production capabilities to offer a reliable source of high-quality reagents and give our partners flexibility without sacrificing a streamlined workflow.
Twist’s Molecular Biology team has years of experience generating reagents for antibody discovery campaigns. We have optimized and proprietary techniques that generate robust immune responses for difficult target classes. Additionally, we can leverage our proprietary DiversimAb™ platform to induce immune responses against poorly immunogenic targets and improve antibody discovery timelines and success rates.
Start Your Discovery Campaign on the Right Foot
The quality of an antigen is critical to the success of every in vivo antibody discovery project. We built our antigen production capabilities to offer a reliable source of high-quality reagents and give our partners flexibility without sacrificing a streamlined workflow.
Twist’s Molecular Biology team has years of experience generating reagents for antibody discovery campaigns. We have optimized and proprietary techniques that generate robust immune responses for difficult target classes. Additionally, we can leverage our proprietary DiversimAb™ platform to induce immune responses against poorly immunogenic targets and improve antibody discovery timelines and success rates.
Immunization Expertise for any Antigen
Immunization Expertise for any Antigen
Robert Carnahan 博士
Twist は、私たちのプロジェクトに必要な質と量の DNA を迅速に提供できる唯一の人工 DNA プロバイダーです。人工遺伝子や抗体のベンダーとしてだけでなく、 Twist Biopharma は私たちの抗体開発の取り組みを補完してくれることを確信するにいたり、彼らの能力を活用するために関係を発展させることにしました。
Vanderbilt Vaccine Center(ヴァンダービルトワクチンセンター)副所長
我々のプラットフォームは、高難易度のがんを治療するための新規標的を迅速に生成・検証します。Working with Abveris will enable us to quickly identify and select highly specific antibodies for those targets, so that we can take the best antibody forward to address the needs of particular patient populations.
Immunitas Therapeutics