多様性こそが私たちの DNA
未来は、あなたのような人々によって築かれつつあります。Twist では、多様な経験やバックグラウンドを持つ Twisters(Twist で働く人々)が、共に日々の仕事に取り組むことで、より大きな強みが生まれています。Twisters は、世界のさまざまな場所から集っています(下記をご覧ください)。
Emily Leproust, PhD
Twist 共同創業者兼最高経営責任者 (CEO)
詳細な経歴・論文等 -
Patrick Finn
詳細な経歴・論文等 -
Adam Laponis
詳細な経歴・論文等 -
Nicole Moreno
Senior Vice President of Sales and Support
詳細な経歴・論文等 -
Siyuan Chen
詳細な経歴・論文等 -
Paula Green
詳細な経歴・論文等 -
Mike Fero
Chief Information Officer
詳細な経歴・論文等 -
Mark Buck
Senior Vice President of Operations
詳細な経歴・論文等 -
Bill Banyai, PhD
詳細な経歴・論文等 -
Angela Bitting
詳細な経歴・論文等 -
Dennis Cho
Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary
Emily Leproust, PhD
Twist 共同創業者兼最高経営責任者 (CEO)
Leproust博士は、 DNA のハイスループット合成とシーケンシングの分野を、初期の頃から開拓してきた一人です。 DNA を基盤としたアプリケーション分野(化学・材料、診断法、治療法、食品、デジタルデータストレージなど)を飛躍的に成長させる、市場に革命をもたらす成果を上げ続けています。そのリーダーシップに対して、2020年、BIOから「ロザリンド・フランクリン賞」を受賞しました。Foreign Policy誌では「100 Leading Global Thinkers」に、Fast Company誌では「Most Creative People in Business」に選出されています。Twist Bioscienceの前には、Agilent Technologies社で、SureSelect製品ラインを設計して成功させ、シーケンシングのコストを削減し、何十ものメンデル病の原因となるメカニズムを解明しました。また、オリゴヌクレオチドライブラリ合成技術を開発し、製品とビジネスの開発活動を行うチームを立ち上げて率いました。さらに、複数の商用合成プラットフォームを設計・開発し、マイクロアレイの製造と加工を効率化させました。She serves on the Board of Directors of GeneDx and is a co-founder of Petri, an accelerator for start-ups at the forefront of engineering and biology. Leproust博士は、30件以上の査読付き論文を発表しており、その多くは人工DNAの応用に関するものです。また、数多くの特許も取得しています。リヨン工業化学学校で工業化学の修士号、ヒューストン大学で有機化学の博士号を取得しました。
PNAS. 2017 114(13) E2624-E2633
Nature Genetics. 2015 47 1179–1186
Nature Genetics. 47 (6) 598-606.
Genome Res. 2015. 25: 582-597
The American Journal of Human Genetics. 95 4 445-453
Systematic Identification of Barriers to Human iPSC Generation
Qin H, Diaz A, Blouin L, Lebbink RJ, Patena W, Tanbun P, LeProust EM, McManus MT, Song JS, Ramalho-Santos M.
158 (2) 449–461
A high-coverage shRNA screen identifies TMEM129 as an E3 ligase involved in ER-associated protein degradation
van de Weijer ML, Bassik MC, Luteijn RD, Voorburg CM, Lohuis MA, Kremmer E, Hoeben RC, LeProust EM, Chen S, Hoelen H, Ressing ME, Patena W, Weissman JS, McManus MTa, Wiertz, EJa, and Lebbink RJa.
Nat Commun. (2014) 5: 3832.
Genome biology. 2014 15:R57
Science. 2013 342(6164) 1367-1372
Journal of Medical Genetics. 2013 50(9) 627-34
Cell. 2013 152(4) 909-22
Nature. 2013 494(7435) 77-80
Symbiosis. 2012 58 (1-3) 201-207
Discovery Medicine. 2012 14(79) 389-99
Medical Laboratory Observer. 2012 44(6) 26-7
Human Molecular Genetics. 2012 21(8) 1706-24
PLoS One. 2011 6(11) e27805
Nature Biotechnology. 2011 29(6) 535-41
PLoS One. 2011 6(3) e18353
European Journal Human Genetics. 2011 19(7) 827-31
Nature Biotechnology. 2010 28(12) 1295-9
Stroke. 2010 41(8) 1665-72
Nucleic Acids Research. 2010 38(8) 2522-40
Genome Biology. 2009 10(10) R116
Nature Methods. 2009 6(8) 613-8
Genome Research. 2009 19(9) 1606-15
Science. 2009 324(5931) 1210-3
Nature Methods. 2009 6(6) 443-5
Nature Biotechnology. 2009 27(4) 353-60
Nature Biotechnology. 2009 27(4) 361-8
Nature Biotechnology. 2009 27(2) 182-9
Nature. 2009 458(7236) 362-6
Nature Methods. 2007 4(11) 931-6
Nature Methods. 2004 1(3) 241-8
Analytical Chemistry. 2003 75(17) 4672-5
Nucleic Acids Research. 2001 29(22) 4744-50.
Nucleic Acids Research. 2001 29(10) 2171-80
Journal of Molecular Biology. 2000 302(5) 1063-80
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry. 2000 2(4) 349-54
Nucleic Acids Research. 1997 25(23) 4758-63
Patrick Finn
Patrick Finn氏は、バイオ試薬、B2B、カスタムメイドの製造会社において、販売を強力に押し上げ高成長に導いた実績を持っています。彼の技術的なバックグラウンドと、まだ満たされていない顧客のニーズを見極める能力は、当社の商業活動を率いるのに理想的です。Twist Bioscience以前は、Enzymatics社(最近QIAGEN社に買収)のセールス&マーケティング担当副社長として、北米およびヨーロッパの商業活動を指揮し、トップラインの大幅な成長とB2B顧客の拡大を実現しました。Enzymatics社以前は、Agilent Technologies社の事業開発ディレクター、Beckman Coulter Molecular Diagnostics社の製品開発ディレクター、Invitrogen社やGE Healthcare/Amersham International社での製品開発における複数の技術的役割など、商業的な観点を増やしながら、さまざまな役職を歴任してきました。また、以前はEnzymatics社、現在はLasergen社の科学諮問委員会のメンバーです。ヘリオット・ワット大学で化学の学士号、サウサンプトン大学で核酸化学の博士号を取得しています。
Adam Laponis
Adam has deep financial acumen and strategic planning expertise across diverse businesses along with a track record of collaborating across teams to drive profitable growth. Prior to joining Twist, Adam served as chief financial officer of Eargo, Inc., where he was responsible for finance, accounting, investor relations, business operations, internal audit and information technology. During his tenure at Eargo, revenue increased more than 300% over the course of two years. Prior to Eargo, Adam was vice president, worldwide financial planning and analysis and business operations at Tesla, Inc. where he was responsible for worldwide pricing, forecasting, capital planning, development of internal controls, and optimization of business operations. Previously, Adam served as vice president, finance and chief financial officer, cardiovascular care at Cardinal Health as the finance leader for the worldwide Cordis Cardiovascular business. He held a series of roles of increasing responsibility at Johnson & Johnson, where he led the divestiture of Cordis to Cardinal Health. He held additional positions within Johnson & Johnson including controller of the diabetes franchise, manager of supply chain and quality finance and customer service finance. Adam holds an MBA from the University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business and a B.S. in chemical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley.
Nicole Moreno
Senior Vice President of Sales and Support
Nicole is a visionary sales leader with over 17 years of experience driving commercial success within NGS, synthetic biology, molecular diagnostics and RNA therapeutics. She has a proven track record of building and coaching high-performing sales teams at local, national and global levels, and implementing innovative sales methodologies to meet evolving customer needs. Since joining Twist in 2020, Nicole has consistently delivered high growth sales across various vertical markets, serving in escalating positions within the commercial team. She was appointed SVP of Sales and Support in October 2024.
Before Twist Bioscience, Nicole held multiple leadership roles within the North America Custom Solutions & OEM sales teams at QIAGEN. During her tenure at QIAGEN, she successfully led the North American sales teams to achieve more than double team sales in 3 years and was recognized as a QIAGEN President's Circle Award Winner. Previously, Nicole served in senior sales roles at Enzymatics (a QIAGEN company), where she expanded the Western Region by driving customer and revenue growth through new business opportunities. Prior to Enzymatics, Nicole held positions at Affymetrix and USB Corporation where she substantially increased revenue growth through strategic account management and business development.
Nicole holds a B.S. in Biochemistry from Colorado State University.
Siyuan Chen
Chen博士は、NGS、合成生物学、その他のライフサイエンス分野において、革新的な製品の見極め、開発、商業化で実績を積んでいる戦略的思想家です。Twist 社には創業直後に加わり、合成生物学と NGS の両製品ラインの製品開発を主導してきました。Chen博士は、 SARS-CoV-2 などの感染症用の合成コントロールなど、 NGS 用の新しい製品ラインの構想と実現を担い、遺伝子合成とNGSターゲットエンリッチメントにおける生化学、ワークフロー、試薬キット、インフラの開発も行い、さらにはハードウェアやソフトウェアを駆使しながら、シリコン・エンジニアと共同で当社の DNA 合成装置のプロトタイプを構築しました。これは後に生産規模の装置となり、 Twist の基盤技術となりました。Chen博士は、オリゴヌクレオチドの合成と応用の分野で、多数の査読付き論文を執筆し、特許を取得しています。北京大学(中国・北京)で化学の学士号、ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校で化学の博士号を取得しています。
Paula Green
Paula Green氏は、経験豊富な人事担当者です。リーダーシップ能力を発揮してもらうための効果的な人材戦略、ソリューション、プロセス、ツールを開発し、提供してきた実績があります。これらは高いパフォーマンスを発揮する組織に絶対不可欠なものです。Twist Bioscienceに入社する前は、QIAGEN社の人事部長として、50人の人事担当者を監督し、M&Aやリストラなどの重要な企業取引を通じて4,000人の従業員をサポートしていました。Operon Technologies社(QIAGEN社が買収)では、人事担当マネージャーとして、戦略の策定、全従業員の福利厚生の監督、トレーニング、採用、定着プログラムの提供などを担当しました。 また、Federal Home Loan Bank of San Franciscoの人事コンサルタントも務めました。Paulaは、サンフランシスコ大学で組織行動学の学士号を取得しています。
Mike Fero
Chief Information Officer
Mike is a seasoned executive with experience leading startups, developing commercial software, researching biology and physics and working in fast-paced deep-tech businesses.
Before joining Twist, he co-founded and served as CEO of TeselaGen Biotechnology for a decade, where he spearheaded TeselaGen’s enterprise software platform, providing a comprehensive suite of tools for DNA design, assembly, management and experimental workflows to a range of biotech customers from startups to Fortune 50 companies. Prior to TeselaGen, he was a principal investigator and NIH Career Fellow at Stanford University where he explored the signaling pathways that govern the bacteria cell cycle through the development of an automated epifluorescence microscopy platform including both hardware and software for high-throughput, high-content genetic screens and subsequent data analysis. He also served as director of Stanford Functional Genomics, where he collaborated on the development of the first human and murine genome scale microarrays. Prior to Stanford, Mike served as vice president of software engineering at Neomorphic where he guided development of a laboratory information management system (LIMS) solution for the human genome project at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Before Neomorphic, he held a variety of escalating positions at HyperParallel and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Mike holds a Ph.D. in Physics and a B. A. in both Math and Physics, both from the University of California, Irvine. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge and conducted international studies in Maths at Trinity College, Dublin. He serves as an advisor to both government and private groups exploring the promise, limits and concerns around the field of synthetic biology.
- Fero MJ, Craft JK, Vu T, Hillson NJ. Combinatorial-Hierarchical DNA Library Design Using the TeselaGen DESIGN Module with j5. Methods Mol Biol. 2020;2205:19-47.
- Zhang J, Petersen SD, Radivojevic T, Ramirez A, Pérez-Manríquez A, Abeliuk E, Sánchez BJ, Costello Z, Chen Y, Fero MJ, Martin HG, Nielsen J, Keasling JD, Jensen MK. Combining mechanistic and machine learning models for predictive engineering and optimization of tryptophan metabolism. Nat Commun. 2020 9 月 25 日;11(1):4880.
- “HEEBO and MEEBO Chips – Human and Mouse Exonic Evidence-Based Oligonucleotide Reporters for Microarray Based Expression Analysis,” Keystone Symposia Conference, Systems Biology: Integrating Biology, Technology and Computation, 2006 年 3 月 5 日.
- Plahar HA, Rich TN, Lane SD, Morrell WC, Springthorpe L, Nnadi O, Aravina E, Dai T, Fero MJ, Hillson NJ, Petzold CJ. BioParts-A Biological Parts Search Portal and Updates to the ICE Parts Registry Software Platform. ACS Synth Biol. 2021 10 月 15 日;10(10):2649-2660.
- Goyal G, Elsbree N, Fero M, Hillson NJ, Linshiz G. Repurposing a microfluidic formulation device for automated DNA construction. PLoS One. 2020 11 月 11 日;15(11):e0242157.
- Cable J, Leonard JN, Lu TK, Xie Z, Chang MW, Fernández LÁ, Lora JM, Kaufman HL, Quintana FJ, Geiger R, F Lesser C, Lynch JP, Hava DL, Cornish VW, Lee GK, DiAndreth B, Fero M, Srivastava R, De Coster T, Roybal KT, Rackham OJL, Kiani S, Zhu I, Hernandez-Lopez RA, Guo T, Chen WCW. Synthetic biology: at the crossroads of genetic engineering and human therapeutics-a Keystone Symposia report. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2021 Dec;1506(1):98-117.
- Hodgson, A., Alper, J., Maxon, M.E. 2022. The U.S. Bioeconomy: Charting a Course for a Resilient and Competitive Future. New York, New York: Schmidt Futures. doi.org/10.55879/d2hrs7zwc.
- Eichenbaum, A., Miłowski, A., Beverly, A., Fero, M., Downs, M., Treynor, T., Gibbons, S., Venayak, N., Densmore, D., Provencher, L., Veeramalla, R., Yan, H., Lee, H., Stamps, B., Dobbs, T., Cheng, M., Dunlap, C., Ly, K., Saryan, L. 2024. Data Modeling and Coding Standards. BioMADE Digital Infrastructure Committee (unpublished).
- B Christen,* MJ Fero,* NJ Hillson, G Bowman, S-H Hong, L Shapiro, HH McAdams: High throughput identification of protein localization dependency networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2010, 107(10):4681-4686. *equal contribution.
- Fero M, Pogliano K. Automated quantitative live cell fluorescence microscopy. Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology. 2010 8 月 1 日;2(8):a000455.
- Fero M, Christen B, Hillson N, Bowman G, Hong S, Shapiro L, McAdams H. Illuminating complete functional networks: Automation, computation and the single cell F1000research. 1. doi: 10.7490/F1000Research.367.1
- Christen B, Abeliuk E, Collier JM, Kalogeraki V, Passarelli B, Coller JA, Fero MJ, McAdams HH, Shapiro L: The Essential Genome of a Bacterium, Molecular Systems Biology 2011, 7(528).
- Umbarger MA, Toro E, Wright MA, Porreca GJ, Baù D, Hong SH, Fero MJ, Zhu LJ, Marti-Renom MA, McAdams HH, Shapiro L, Dekker J, Church GM. The three-dimensional architecture of a bacterial genome and its alteration by genetic perturbation. Mol Cell. 2011 10 月 21 日;44(2):252-64.
- K Abe, et al: An improved measurement of the left-right Z0 cross-section asymmetry. Physical Review Letters 1997, 78:2075-2079.
Mark Buck
Senior Vice President of Operations
Mark is experienced in improving manufacturing efficiency and driving revenue and margin through managing supply chain and operations, including planning, quality, procurement and logistics. Prior to joining Twist, Mark served as corporate senior vice president, operations, global supply chain at Excelitas Technologies Corporation where he established a global footprint, drove global supply chain optimization measures, enabled scale up and drove revenue growth. His responsibilities included global supply chain planning, global sourcing and procurement supply, internal supply, supply quality and logistics inbound and outbound movement of freight. Prior to Excelitas, Mark was director, global supply chain management and general manager of resale product operations at Bio-Rad, Inc., where he managed buy-sell products, which grew in revenue to $270 million, significantly improving profitability over his time in the role. He previously held leadership positions including vice president operations, global manufacturing, supply chain and logistics at Celerity Group; director, operations management at Solectron corporation; and senior supply chain operations manager at Apple Computer, Inc. Before joining industry, Mark served in the United States Marine Corps. He holds an MBA from National University and a B.S. in electrical and computer engineering from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Bill Banyai, PhD
Bill Banyai博士は経験豊富な起業家であり、シリコン工学の専門家でもあります。また、4つの異なるスタートアップ企業で創業者または最初の従業員として活躍し、初期段階のスタートアップ企業に対するアドバイスを行っています。Complete Genomics社のハードウェアエンジニアリング担当副社長として、同社のシーケンシング技術を構築し、3世代にわたるヒトゲノムチップとシーケンサーを開発しました。Billは、シリコン微細加工に基づく革新的技術の開発で、数百万ドル規模のDARPA助成金を2度にわたって獲得しています。Billのキャリアは、研究、製品開発、半導体デバイスの加工に及んでいます。ミシガン大学で電気科学の修士号、アリゾナ大学で光科学の博士号を取得し、ローレンス・リバモア国立研究所で物理学者として従事しました。
Science. 2010 327(5961) 78-81
Proceedings SPIE - Optomechatronic Micro/Nano Components, Devices, and Systems. 2004 5604 208-217
Proceedings SPIE - Emerging Lithographic Technologies II. 1998 3331 662-672
Applied Physics Letters. 1994 64(3) 270-272
Electronics Letters. 1993 29(3) 268-269
Proceedings SPIE - Picosecond and Femtosecond Spectroscopy from Laboratory to Real World. 1990 1209 166-174
Optics Letters. 1989 14(10) 532-534
Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 1989 6(4) 675-684
Applied Physics Letters. 1989 54(6) 481-483
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 1989 25(1) 104-112
Applied Physics Letters. 1988 53(13) 1144-1146
Applied Physics Letters. 1988 53(10) 837-839
Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 1988 5(2) 492-495
Proceedings SPIE - Advances in Materials for Active Optics. 1985 567 132
Angela Bitting
Angelaは、バイオ医薬品業界で25年以上の経験を持つシニア・コミュニケーション・エグゼクティブです。明確なメッセージ、一貫性のあるコミュニケーションを得意とし、主要なステークホルダーにおける認知度を高め、組織全体の文化とコミュニケーションを担っています。Twist に加わる前には、20年間にわたり自身のコンサルタント業務を率い、顧客(バイオ医薬品、医療機器、診断薬など)と協力して、外部のオーディエンスとの効果的なコミュニケーションを実現するためのキーメッセージを作成しました。自身のコンサルタント会社を設立する前は、Exelixis社の投資家向け広報 (IR)・企業広報部門の責任者を務めました。また、ヘルスケアコミュニケーションの専門会社であるRussell-Welsh社にて数年間勤務し、さまざまな公共および民間のクライアントに幅広いコミュニケーションサービスを提供しました。同氏は、ワシントン大学で細胞・分子生物学とビジネスマーケティングの両方の学士号を取得しています。現在、National Charity Leagueの地元支部で副支部長を務めています。
Dennis Cho
Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary
Dennis Cho is a seasoned in-house business attorney with a proven track record of agile strategic guidance and practical problem solving. Prior to Twist, he served as assistant general counsel at CytomX Therapeutics, where he was department head for all deals and contracts as well as day-to-day lead on compliance and numerous other legal subject matters. Prior to CytomX, Mr. Cho was the lead transactional attorney on antibody-related licenses and collaborations, major commercial agreements, and combination trials at Seattle Genetics. Before that, he spent nine years at Celgene as the lead West Coast attorney supervising over 100 business transactions, including in- and out- licenses, options, collaborations and M&A agreements, and held primary legal responsibility for Celgene’s alliances, equity investments and “big data” machine learning initiative. Prior to Celgene, Mr. Cho served as general counsel for four private and public companies. He earned his J.D. and a B.A. in Molecular Cell Biology (Genetics) from University of California, Berkeley.
Emily Leproust, PhD
Twist 共同創業者兼最高経営責任者 (CEO)
Leproust博士は、 DNA のハイスループット合成とシーケンシングの分野を、初期の頃から開拓してきた一人です。 DNA を基盤としたアプリケーション分野(化学・材料、診断法、治療法、食品、デジタルデータストレージなど)を飛躍的に成長させる、市場に革命をもたらす成果を上げ続けています。そのリーダーシップに対して、2020年、BIOから「ロザリンド・フランクリン賞」を受賞しました。Foreign Policy誌では「100 Leading Global Thinkers」に、Fast Company誌では「Most Creative People in Business」に選出されています。Twist Bioscienceの前には、Agilent Technologies社で、SureSelect製品ラインを設計して成功させ、シーケンシングのコストを削減し、何十ものメンデル病の原因となるメカニズムを解明しました。また、オリゴヌクレオチドライブラリ合成技術を開発し、製品とビジネスの開発活動を行うチームを立ち上げて率いました。さらに、複数の商用合成プラットフォームを設計・開発し、マイクロアレイの製造と加工を効率化させました。She serves on the Board of Directors of GeneDx and is a co-founder of Petri, an accelerator for start-ups at the forefront of engineering and biology. Leproust博士は、30件以上の査読付き論文を発表しており、その多くは人工DNAの応用に関するものです。また、数多くの特許も取得しています。リヨン工業化学学校で工業化学の修士号、ヒューストン大学で有機化学の博士号を取得しました。
PNAS. 2017 114(13) E2624-E2633
Nature Genetics. 2015 47 1179–1186
Nature Genetics. 47 (6) 598-606.
Genome Res. 2015. 25: 582-597
The American Journal of Human Genetics. 95 4 445-453
Systematic Identification of Barriers to Human iPSC Generation
Qin H, Diaz A, Blouin L, Lebbink RJ, Patena W, Tanbun P, LeProust EM, McManus MT, Song JS, Ramalho-Santos M.
158 (2) 449–461
A high-coverage shRNA screen identifies TMEM129 as an E3 ligase involved in ER-associated protein degradation
van de Weijer ML, Bassik MC, Luteijn RD, Voorburg CM, Lohuis MA, Kremmer E, Hoeben RC, LeProust EM, Chen S, Hoelen H, Ressing ME, Patena W, Weissman JS, McManus MTa, Wiertz, EJa, and Lebbink RJa.
Nat Commun. (2014) 5: 3832.
Genome biology. 2014 15:R57
Science. 2013 342(6164) 1367-1372
Journal of Medical Genetics. 2013 50(9) 627-34
Cell. 2013 152(4) 909-22
Nature. 2013 494(7435) 77-80
Symbiosis. 2012 58 (1-3) 201-207
Discovery Medicine. 2012 14(79) 389-99
Medical Laboratory Observer. 2012 44(6) 26-7
Human Molecular Genetics. 2012 21(8) 1706-24
PLoS One. 2011 6(11) e27805
Nature Biotechnology. 2011 29(6) 535-41
PLoS One. 2011 6(3) e18353
European Journal Human Genetics. 2011 19(7) 827-31
Nature Biotechnology. 2010 28(12) 1295-9
Stroke. 2010 41(8) 1665-72
Nucleic Acids Research. 2010 38(8) 2522-40
Genome Biology. 2009 10(10) R116
Nature Methods. 2009 6(8) 613-8
Genome Research. 2009 19(9) 1606-15
Science. 2009 324(5931) 1210-3
Nature Methods. 2009 6(6) 443-5
Nature Biotechnology. 2009 27(4) 353-60
Nature Biotechnology. 2009 27(4) 361-8
Nature Biotechnology. 2009 27(2) 182-9
Nature. 2009 458(7236) 362-6
Nature Methods. 2007 4(11) 931-6
Nature Methods. 2004 1(3) 241-8
Analytical Chemistry. 2003 75(17) 4672-5
Nucleic Acids Research. 2001 29(22) 4744-50.
Nucleic Acids Research. 2001 29(10) 2171-80
Journal of Molecular Biology. 2000 302(5) 1063-80
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry. 2000 2(4) 349-54
Nucleic Acids Research. 1997 25(23) 4758-63
Patrick Finn
Patrick Finn氏は、バイオ試薬、B2B、カスタムメイドの製造会社において、販売を強力に押し上げ高成長に導いた実績を持っています。彼の技術的なバックグラウンドと、まだ満たされていない顧客のニーズを見極める能力は、当社の商業活動を率いるのに理想的です。Twist Bioscience以前は、Enzymatics社(最近QIAGEN社に買収)のセールス&マーケティング担当副社長として、北米およびヨーロッパの商業活動を指揮し、トップラインの大幅な成長とB2B顧客の拡大を実現しました。Enzymatics社以前は、Agilent Technologies社の事業開発ディレクター、Beckman Coulter Molecular Diagnostics社の製品開発ディレクター、Invitrogen社やGE Healthcare/Amersham International社での製品開発における複数の技術的役割など、商業的な観点を増やしながら、さまざまな役職を歴任してきました。また、以前はEnzymatics社、現在はLasergen社の科学諮問委員会のメンバーです。ヘリオット・ワット大学で化学の学士号、サウサンプトン大学で核酸化学の博士号を取得しています。
Adam Laponis
Adam has deep financial acumen and strategic planning expertise across diverse businesses along with a track record of collaborating across teams to drive profitable growth. Prior to joining Twist, Adam served as chief financial officer of Eargo, Inc., where he was responsible for finance, accounting, investor relations, business operations, internal audit and information technology. During his tenure at Eargo, revenue increased more than 300% over the course of two years. Prior to Eargo, Adam was vice president, worldwide financial planning and analysis and business operations at Tesla, Inc. where he was responsible for worldwide pricing, forecasting, capital planning, development of internal controls, and optimization of business operations. Previously, Adam served as vice president, finance and chief financial officer, cardiovascular care at Cardinal Health as the finance leader for the worldwide Cordis Cardiovascular business. He held a series of roles of increasing responsibility at Johnson & Johnson, where he led the divestiture of Cordis to Cardinal Health. He held additional positions within Johnson & Johnson including controller of the diabetes franchise, manager of supply chain and quality finance and customer service finance. Adam holds an MBA from the University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business and a B.S. in chemical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley.
Nicole Moreno
Senior Vice President of Sales and Support
Nicole is a visionary sales leader with over 17 years of experience driving commercial success within NGS, synthetic biology, molecular diagnostics and RNA therapeutics. She has a proven track record of building and coaching high-performing sales teams at local, national and global levels, and implementing innovative sales methodologies to meet evolving customer needs. Since joining Twist in 2020, Nicole has consistently delivered high growth sales across various vertical markets, serving in escalating positions within the commercial team. She was appointed SVP of Sales and Support in October 2024.
Before Twist Bioscience, Nicole held multiple leadership roles within the North America Custom Solutions & OEM sales teams at QIAGEN. During her tenure at QIAGEN, she successfully led the North American sales teams to achieve more than double team sales in 3 years and was recognized as a QIAGEN President's Circle Award Winner. Previously, Nicole served in senior sales roles at Enzymatics (a QIAGEN company), where she expanded the Western Region by driving customer and revenue growth through new business opportunities. Prior to Enzymatics, Nicole held positions at Affymetrix and USB Corporation where she substantially increased revenue growth through strategic account management and business development.
Nicole holds a B.S. in Biochemistry from Colorado State University.
Siyuan Chen
Chen博士は、NGS、合成生物学、その他のライフサイエンス分野において、革新的な製品の見極め、開発、商業化で実績を積んでいる戦略的思想家です。Twist 社には創業直後に加わり、合成生物学と NGS の両製品ラインの製品開発を主導してきました。Chen博士は、 SARS-CoV-2 などの感染症用の合成コントロールなど、 NGS 用の新しい製品ラインの構想と実現を担い、遺伝子合成とNGSターゲットエンリッチメントにおける生化学、ワークフロー、試薬キット、インフラの開発も行い、さらにはハードウェアやソフトウェアを駆使しながら、シリコン・エンジニアと共同で当社の DNA 合成装置のプロトタイプを構築しました。これは後に生産規模の装置となり、 Twist の基盤技術となりました。Chen博士は、オリゴヌクレオチドの合成と応用の分野で、多数の査読付き論文を執筆し、特許を取得しています。北京大学(中国・北京)で化学の学士号、ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校で化学の博士号を取得しています。
Paula Green
Paula Green氏は、経験豊富な人事担当者です。リーダーシップ能力を発揮してもらうための効果的な人材戦略、ソリューション、プロセス、ツールを開発し、提供してきた実績があります。これらは高いパフォーマンスを発揮する組織に絶対不可欠なものです。Twist Bioscienceに入社する前は、QIAGEN社の人事部長として、50人の人事担当者を監督し、M&Aやリストラなどの重要な企業取引を通じて4,000人の従業員をサポートしていました。Operon Technologies社(QIAGEN社が買収)では、人事担当マネージャーとして、戦略の策定、全従業員の福利厚生の監督、トレーニング、採用、定着プログラムの提供などを担当しました。 また、Federal Home Loan Bank of San Franciscoの人事コンサルタントも務めました。Paulaは、サンフランシスコ大学で組織行動学の学士号を取得しています。
Mike Fero
Chief Information Officer
Mike is a seasoned executive with experience leading startups, developing commercial software, researching biology and physics and working in fast-paced deep-tech businesses.
Before joining Twist, he co-founded and served as CEO of TeselaGen Biotechnology for a decade, where he spearheaded TeselaGen’s enterprise software platform, providing a comprehensive suite of tools for DNA design, assembly, management and experimental workflows to a range of biotech customers from startups to Fortune 50 companies. Prior to TeselaGen, he was a principal investigator and NIH Career Fellow at Stanford University where he explored the signaling pathways that govern the bacteria cell cycle through the development of an automated epifluorescence microscopy platform including both hardware and software for high-throughput, high-content genetic screens and subsequent data analysis. He also served as director of Stanford Functional Genomics, where he collaborated on the development of the first human and murine genome scale microarrays. Prior to Stanford, Mike served as vice president of software engineering at Neomorphic where he guided development of a laboratory information management system (LIMS) solution for the human genome project at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Before Neomorphic, he held a variety of escalating positions at HyperParallel and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Mike holds a Ph.D. in Physics and a B. A. in both Math and Physics, both from the University of California, Irvine. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge and conducted international studies in Maths at Trinity College, Dublin. He serves as an advisor to both government and private groups exploring the promise, limits and concerns around the field of synthetic biology.
- Fero MJ, Craft JK, Vu T, Hillson NJ. Combinatorial-Hierarchical DNA Library Design Using the TeselaGen DESIGN Module with j5. Methods Mol Biol. 2020;2205:19-47.
- Zhang J, Petersen SD, Radivojevic T, Ramirez A, Pérez-Manríquez A, Abeliuk E, Sánchez BJ, Costello Z, Chen Y, Fero MJ, Martin HG, Nielsen J, Keasling JD, Jensen MK. Combining mechanistic and machine learning models for predictive engineering and optimization of tryptophan metabolism. Nat Commun. 2020 9 月 25 日;11(1):4880.
- “HEEBO and MEEBO Chips – Human and Mouse Exonic Evidence-Based Oligonucleotide Reporters for Microarray Based Expression Analysis,” Keystone Symposia Conference, Systems Biology: Integrating Biology, Technology and Computation, 2006 年 3 月 5 日.
- Plahar HA, Rich TN, Lane SD, Morrell WC, Springthorpe L, Nnadi O, Aravina E, Dai T, Fero MJ, Hillson NJ, Petzold CJ. BioParts-A Biological Parts Search Portal and Updates to the ICE Parts Registry Software Platform. ACS Synth Biol. 2021 10 月 15 日;10(10):2649-2660.
- Goyal G, Elsbree N, Fero M, Hillson NJ, Linshiz G. Repurposing a microfluidic formulation device for automated DNA construction. PLoS One. 2020 11 月 11 日;15(11):e0242157.
- Cable J, Leonard JN, Lu TK, Xie Z, Chang MW, Fernández LÁ, Lora JM, Kaufman HL, Quintana FJ, Geiger R, F Lesser C, Lynch JP, Hava DL, Cornish VW, Lee GK, DiAndreth B, Fero M, Srivastava R, De Coster T, Roybal KT, Rackham OJL, Kiani S, Zhu I, Hernandez-Lopez RA, Guo T, Chen WCW. Synthetic biology: at the crossroads of genetic engineering and human therapeutics-a Keystone Symposia report. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2021 Dec;1506(1):98-117.
- Hodgson, A., Alper, J., Maxon, M.E. 2022. The U.S. Bioeconomy: Charting a Course for a Resilient and Competitive Future. New York, New York: Schmidt Futures. doi.org/10.55879/d2hrs7zwc.
- Eichenbaum, A., Miłowski, A., Beverly, A., Fero, M., Downs, M., Treynor, T., Gibbons, S., Venayak, N., Densmore, D., Provencher, L., Veeramalla, R., Yan, H., Lee, H., Stamps, B., Dobbs, T., Cheng, M., Dunlap, C., Ly, K., Saryan, L. 2024. Data Modeling and Coding Standards. BioMADE Digital Infrastructure Committee (unpublished).
- B Christen,* MJ Fero,* NJ Hillson, G Bowman, S-H Hong, L Shapiro, HH McAdams: High throughput identification of protein localization dependency networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2010, 107(10):4681-4686. *equal contribution.
- Fero M, Pogliano K. Automated quantitative live cell fluorescence microscopy. Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology. 2010 8 月 1 日;2(8):a000455.
- Fero M, Christen B, Hillson N, Bowman G, Hong S, Shapiro L, McAdams H. Illuminating complete functional networks: Automation, computation and the single cell F1000research. 1. doi: 10.7490/F1000Research.367.1
- Christen B, Abeliuk E, Collier JM, Kalogeraki V, Passarelli B, Coller JA, Fero MJ, McAdams HH, Shapiro L: The Essential Genome of a Bacterium, Molecular Systems Biology 2011, 7(528).
- Umbarger MA, Toro E, Wright MA, Porreca GJ, Baù D, Hong SH, Fero MJ, Zhu LJ, Marti-Renom MA, McAdams HH, Shapiro L, Dekker J, Church GM. The three-dimensional architecture of a bacterial genome and its alteration by genetic perturbation. Mol Cell. 2011 10 月 21 日;44(2):252-64.
- K Abe, et al: An improved measurement of the left-right Z0 cross-section asymmetry. Physical Review Letters 1997, 78:2075-2079.
Mark Buck
Senior Vice President of Operations
Mark is experienced in improving manufacturing efficiency and driving revenue and margin through managing supply chain and operations, including planning, quality, procurement and logistics. Prior to joining Twist, Mark served as corporate senior vice president, operations, global supply chain at Excelitas Technologies Corporation where he established a global footprint, drove global supply chain optimization measures, enabled scale up and drove revenue growth. His responsibilities included global supply chain planning, global sourcing and procurement supply, internal supply, supply quality and logistics inbound and outbound movement of freight. Prior to Excelitas, Mark was director, global supply chain management and general manager of resale product operations at Bio-Rad, Inc., where he managed buy-sell products, which grew in revenue to $270 million, significantly improving profitability over his time in the role. He previously held leadership positions including vice president operations, global manufacturing, supply chain and logistics at Celerity Group; director, operations management at Solectron corporation; and senior supply chain operations manager at Apple Computer, Inc. Before joining industry, Mark served in the United States Marine Corps. He holds an MBA from National University and a B.S. in electrical and computer engineering from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Bill Banyai, PhD
Bill Banyai博士は経験豊富な起業家であり、シリコン工学の専門家でもあります。また、4つの異なるスタートアップ企業で創業者または最初の従業員として活躍し、初期段階のスタートアップ企業に対するアドバイスを行っています。Complete Genomics社のハードウェアエンジニアリング担当副社長として、同社のシーケンシング技術を構築し、3世代にわたるヒトゲノムチップとシーケンサーを開発しました。Billは、シリコン微細加工に基づく革新的技術の開発で、数百万ドル規模のDARPA助成金を2度にわたって獲得しています。Billのキャリアは、研究、製品開発、半導体デバイスの加工に及んでいます。ミシガン大学で電気科学の修士号、アリゾナ大学で光科学の博士号を取得し、ローレンス・リバモア国立研究所で物理学者として従事しました。
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Angela Bitting
Angelaは、バイオ医薬品業界で25年以上の経験を持つシニア・コミュニケーション・エグゼクティブです。明確なメッセージ、一貫性のあるコミュニケーションを得意とし、主要なステークホルダーにおける認知度を高め、組織全体の文化とコミュニケーションを担っています。Twist に加わる前には、20年間にわたり自身のコンサルタント業務を率い、顧客(バイオ医薬品、医療機器、診断薬など)と協力して、外部のオーディエンスとの効果的なコミュニケーションを実現するためのキーメッセージを作成しました。自身のコンサルタント会社を設立する前は、Exelixis社の投資家向け広報 (IR)・企業広報部門の責任者を務めました。また、ヘルスケアコミュニケーションの専門会社であるRussell-Welsh社にて数年間勤務し、さまざまな公共および民間のクライアントに幅広いコミュニケーションサービスを提供しました。同氏は、ワシントン大学で細胞・分子生物学とビジネスマーケティングの両方の学士号を取得しています。現在、National Charity Leagueの地元支部で副支部長を務めています。
Dennis Cho
Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary
Dennis Cho is a seasoned in-house business attorney with a proven track record of agile strategic guidance and practical problem solving. Prior to Twist, he served as assistant general counsel at CytomX Therapeutics, where he was department head for all deals and contracts as well as day-to-day lead on compliance and numerous other legal subject matters. Prior to CytomX, Mr. Cho was the lead transactional attorney on antibody-related licenses and collaborations, major commercial agreements, and combination trials at Seattle Genetics. Before that, he spent nine years at Celgene as the lead West Coast attorney supervising over 100 business transactions, including in- and out- licenses, options, collaborations and M&A agreements, and held primary legal responsibility for Celgene’s alliances, equity investments and “big data” machine learning initiative. Prior to Celgene, Mr. Cho served as general counsel for four private and public companies. He earned his J.D. and a B.A. in Molecular Cell Biology (Genetics) from University of California, Berkeley.