概要 ご注文 資料

Element Bioscience の AVITI プラットフォームは、柔軟性を備えたプラットフォームであり、その利点から高品質なシーケンシングが可能です。AVITI プラットフォームは二つの独立したフローセルを備えており、ラボごとのニーズに合わせて、ラン構成とスループットを柔軟に調整できます。これにより、ラボではサンプルのバッチ処理が不要になるため、コストを削減できます。さらに、Element の Cloudbreak ケミストリーを利用するため、鎖状分子ライブラリから環状分子ライブラリへの変換が不要になり、時間の節約やプロトコルのステップ削減につながります。 

Trinity Workflow:

The traditional hybrid selection process for targeted panels, like whole exome panels, involves a time-consuming process with multiple temperature-controlled washes, PCR-based amplification, and library quality control.

With the simplified Trinity workflow, you’ll hybridize your DNA library to the target probes of interest, incubate with the panel probes for as little as one hour with our fast hyb reagents, and load it directly on your AVITI sequencer. This drastically reduces manual steps and additional amplification resulting in higher library complexity and lower duplication rates.


Element Bio の AVITI システムでエクソームシーケンス解析用ワークフロー全体を合理化する方法について、さらに詳しい情報をご覧いただけます。


Trinity Sequencing: Library preparation and Target Enrichment Workflow 

Trinity Sequencing: Library preparation and Target Enrichment Workflow


Element Bioscience の AVITI プラットフォームは、柔軟性を備えたプラットフォームであり、その利点から高品質なシーケンシングが可能です。AVITI プラットフォームは二つの独立したフローセルを備えており、ラボごとのニーズに合わせて、ラン構成とスループットを柔軟に調整できます。これにより、ラボではサンプルのバッチ処理が不要になるため、コストを削減できます。さらに、Element の Cloudbreak ケミストリーを利用するため、鎖状分子ライブラリから環状分子ライブラリへの変換が不要になり、時間の節約やプロトコルのステップ削減につながります。 

Trinity Workflow:

The traditional hybrid selection process for targeted panels, like whole exome panels, involves a time-consuming process with multiple temperature-controlled washes, PCR-based amplification, and library quality control.

With the simplified Trinity workflow, you’ll hybridize your DNA library to the target probes of interest, incubate with the panel probes for as little as one hour with our fast hyb reagents, and load it directly on your AVITI sequencer. This drastically reduces manual steps and additional amplification resulting in higher library complexity and lower duplication rates.


Element Bio の AVITI システムでエクソームシーケンス解析用ワークフロー全体を合理化する方法について、さらに詳しい情報をご覧いただけます。


Trinity Sequencing: Library preparation and Target Enrichment Workflow 

Trinity Sequencing: Library preparation and Target Enrichment Workflow



Element Cloudbreak Compatible Workflow Kits: 

107685: Twist for Element, Exome 2.0 + Comp Spike workflow, including Enzymatic Fragmentation 1.0 +Standard Hyb +Twist Universal Adapter System, 16 Samples – Element Compatible, 2 reactions

107686:Twist for Element, Exome 2.0 + Comp Spike workflow, including Enzymatic Fragmentation 1.0 +Standard Hyb +Twist Universal Adapter System, 16 Samples – Element Compatible, 2 reactions

109326*: 96 sample Twist for Element Trinity, Exome 2.0 + Comp Spike, Standard Hyb Workflow Reagents for constructing libraries and performing standard hybridization. The resulting enriched libraries are compatible with Element Trinity workflows.

109328*: 96 sample Twist for Element Trinity, Exome 2.0 + Comp Spike, Fast Hyb Workflow Reagents for constructing libraries and performing fast hybridization. The resulting enriched libraries are compatible with Element Trinity workflows.

Trinity Compatible Workflow Kits:

107678 Twist Universal Adapter System, 16 Samples – Element Compatible • Twist Universal Adapters - Element Compatible • Twist UDI Primers - Element Compatible–20°C

107682 Twist Universal Adapter System, 96 Samples – Element Compatible • Twist Universal Adapters - Element Compatible • Twist UDI Primers - Element Compatible–20°C

*All AVITI Compatible reagents available for individual purchase. 

研究専用です。 Twist のウェブサイトおよび製品をご利用になる場合、Twist の利用規約が適用されます。

Element Cloudbreak Compatible Workflow Kits: 

107685: Twist for Element, Exome 2.0 + Comp Spike workflow, including Enzymatic Fragmentation 1.0 +Standard Hyb +Twist Universal Adapter System, 16 Samples – Element Compatible, 2 reactions

107686:Twist for Element, Exome 2.0 + Comp Spike workflow, including Enzymatic Fragmentation 1.0 +Standard Hyb +Twist Universal Adapter System, 16 Samples – Element Compatible, 2 reactions

109326*: 96 sample Twist for Element Trinity, Exome 2.0 + Comp Spike, Standard Hyb Workflow Reagents for constructing libraries and performing standard hybridization. The resulting enriched libraries are compatible with Element Trinity workflows.

109328*: 96 sample Twist for Element Trinity, Exome 2.0 + Comp Spike, Fast Hyb Workflow Reagents for constructing libraries and performing fast hybridization. The resulting enriched libraries are compatible with Element Trinity workflows.

Trinity Compatible Workflow Kits:

107678 Twist Universal Adapter System, 16 Samples – Element Compatible • Twist Universal Adapters - Element Compatible • Twist UDI Primers - Element Compatible–20°C

107682 Twist Universal Adapter System, 96 Samples – Element Compatible • Twist Universal Adapters - Element Compatible • Twist UDI Primers - Element Compatible–20°C

*All AVITI Compatible reagents available for individual purchase. 

研究専用です。 Twist のウェブサイトおよび製品をご利用になる場合、Twist の利用規約が適用されます。


NEW Trinity Compatible Exome Workflows

NEW Trinity Compatible Exome Workflows
NEW Trinity Compatible Exome Workflows
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